Tom McLaughlan :: photos for sale to help Charlie and Kathleen Dunnery Children’s Fund

Please...©daruma* (Tom McLaughlan), all rights reserved

“From couch potato to marathon runner in four months”, so says Steve Dubois who’s decided to run the 26-mile London Marathon on April 17 2011 to raise money for the Charlie and Kathleen Dunnery Children’s Fund. The charity is based in a little town called Egremont, which is where I lived for a few of my pre-school years.
Steve asked three of us to curate exhibitions of photographs for sale through RedBubble. In addition to the one I’ve pulled together on Abstracts, Jason Theaker did Landscapes and Bob Davis The Fens. Please do spend a moment to look at the pictures and, even better, please buy something. Steve is going to raise £6,000 and I would like the photography exhibitions to contribute as much as possible to that total. So please help!

Twenty five people have been absolutely superb in joining with me and donating an image for the Abstract exhibition. There will also be a Blurb book very soon, but for now heartfelt thanks from Steve and me to the 25 Abstractionists: Azurebumble, barb_stell, barbera*, bluesrose, booksin, brancolina, Caecilliametalla, DanielaNob, Gianni Galassi, giò batta, Hans Knikman, htakat, jotKa26, Julian E…, kate mellersh, Lord Jezzer, mluisa, me*voila, polah2006, pannaphotos, p r i m e r, rita vita finzi, Wouter & Canon, zecaruso and zelnunes

For more details about the fund-raising and Steve’s training programme just log on to You will see there that Steve’s motto for this campaign is “the only thing you get to keep is what you give away” and so in that spirit …


Tom McLaughlan