Category Archives: books and magazines

ralf beil and peter krant :: a house full of music: strategies in art and music


This book is the seminal work on the elemental interplay between art and music, it’s published by HATJE CANTZ to celebrate John Cage’s 100th birthday in September 2012.

Before John Cage (1912–1992), there was hardly anyone as consistent as he was in questioning the boundaries of music and its connections to other fields of art and the everyday world. Along with Erik Satie, Marcel Duchamp, Nam June Paik, and Joseph Beuys, Cage is one of the greatest strategists and pioneers of twentieth-century music and art. Starting with these key figures, this publication examines twelve fundamental strategies of art and music since 1900: recording, collage, silence, destruction, calculation, coincidence, feeling, thought, belief, furnishing, repetition, and playing. Interdisciplinary essays by art and music theorists as well as exemplary works and original sources by artists, musicians, and composers are featured alongside visual documentation, showing the impressive diversity of parallel and overlapping activities between music and art from Laurie Anderson and Robert Filliou to Anri Sala and Iannis Xenakis. (German edition ISBN 978-3-7757-3318-2). Another publication is available in the Art to Hear series (German edition ISBN 978-3-7757-3317-5).

Edited by Ralf Beil, Peter Kraut, Institut Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt
Texts by Ralf Beil, Stefan Fricke, Peter Kraut, Thomas Schäfer u.a.
Graphic design by KOMA AMOK
416 pp., 543 color ills.
25.20 x 31.20 cm, hardcover

Exhibition with selected works of the artists featured in the book is organized in Institut Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt and it goes on until 9th September 2012. The artists presented: Nevin Aladag, Laurie Anderson, Luciano Berio, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, John Cage, Janet Cardiff/George Bures Miller, Fortunato Depero, Marcel Duchamp, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brian Eno, Robert Filliou, Valeska Gert, Heiner Goebbels, Idris Khan, Yves Klein, Milan Knizak, Jorge Macchi, Christian Marclay, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Carsten Nicolai, Nam June Paik, Robert Rauschenberg, Dieter Roth, Anri Sala, Erik Satie, Arnold Schönberg, Kurt Schwitters, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Sue-Mei Tse, Jorinde Voigt, Wolf Vostell, Iannis Xenakis and Frank Zappa

Institut Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt




Recently, I’ve curated a number of image series by photographers from ‘Flickr’ on my blog ‘Aesthetic Investigations’. Subsequently, I thought it would be interesting to document these works in a book. Therefore, i’ve arranged a collection of ’39’ abstract and minimal photographic series by these ’32’ artists. A selection of pages from the book can be viewed below, a full book preview can be seen: HERE


Thank you to everyone who contributed their images to this project.

All graphic content and curations by : Alan Wilson ( azurebumble )


Book Cover
Front & Back Pages

Introductory Pages
Copyright & Contents

Introductory Pages
Tags, Artists & Series Thumbnails

Photography Series
Gianni Galassi

Photography Series
Teresa (Colourful Life) & roB_meL

Photography Series
Camilo Todemann & Olli Kekäläinen

Photography Series
Brancolina & Barbara Stumm


View original post 113 more words

azurebumble :: hypo-x-series : a digital photography curation

Almost 3 Years on photography book “Hypo-x-Series”‘ has now been released in ‘Ebook ‘format. For those who possess an iPad or iPhone a version is now available for £1.49 (non profit).


“This book is the result of an online collaboration between 111 international artists and photographers, where by simply utilising the infrastructure of the photo sharing website ‘flickr’ we have managed to communicate, interact and gather together a stunning collection of over 400 abstract and aesthetic photographic works!

For this project I have reorganised a series of virtual online curations toward interconnected progressions of sensual, thought provoking and emotive works. Selected carefully each double-page spread features a self-contained visual duet, these pairings are also integral to the flow of the sequence as a whole. This continuity allows the viewer to visit any page at will and embark on an intriguing journey into a complex and ethereal world of delicate changing moods.

A space involving unexpected movements of colour, shape and form, minimal tonal progressions with gentle transitions from dark to light and warm to cool, subtle textural, linear and conceptual relationships and occasional mysterious figurative apparitions. Ultimately inviting emotional responses via the poetic adventures of the imagination and the senses.” Azurebumble (Alan Wilson)




y sin embargo #29 :: last/s issue

If communication means to put something in common, is it possible, today, at the height of the era of communication, putting something in common? Or all we got are monologues?




This issue marks the 7th anniversary of the Barcelona based independent arts/culture magazine Y SIN EMBARGO and it is the last issue of their 4 seasonal publications cycle.

“Seven years of a periodical and independent publication is perhaps both necessary and a long enough time to verify or put into practice a set of ideas, wishes and adventures. YSE closes a cycle, but doesn’t close (neither literally nor metaforically).

New situations, new circumstances and, most of all, new wishes and interests consume and demand the always limited well of time and energy. We have grown in this seven years without any kind of sponsoring, there was never a financial support or even modest underpinnings to give any logic of survival to the publication. Everything has been done on breathhold, in a respiratory exercise, at times painful, even if oxygen (of course intangible) always managed to be there in the end. Nevertheless, these are times of generalised asphyxia and sometimes – even though nostalgia or stubbornness exert their seduction- it is necessary to dry the boat’s dock, caulk and face different courses. We will go on, but we will be other.

Thanks to all those who have been reading and watching and those who took part. You’ll be hearing from us.” fernandoprats, art director and the founder of Y SIN EMBARGO.

Editing, direction & complements: fernandoprats
Art direction & design: Estudi Prats
Assistance: Rivera Valdez
Translations: Alicia Pallas
Music: Albert Jordà / Nevus project
Video: Raquel Barrera Sutorra
Almostopen: Manuel Alcaide Mengual

Including works from: Roman Aixendri, Manuel Alcaide Mengual, Azurebumble, Brancolina, Wilma Eras, Oriol Espinal, ezook, Rosa Delia Guerrero, Manuel Diumenjó, H.O., Kozology, Françoise Lucas, Nirvana SQ, Graciela Oses, Alicia Pallas, Carlos Pataca, Leonie Polah, fernandoprats, Miguel Ruibal, Juan Pablo Sáenz, Jef Safi, Alain Vaissiere and dou_ble_you.

YSE website | Flickr Group | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Vimeo | MySpace

Y Sin Embargo#28 :: me/END/you

Y SIN EMBARGO magazine #28, me/END/you (new!, free, independent)

Browse it without downloading To buy the printed edition click HERE

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Concerned with being constantly updated, with obtaining the latest model of who knows what, with wearing the badge of the modern, informed, up-to-date consumer.

Undermined by ubiquitous messages that insist in reminding us that there’s always something better, that what we have is nor will never be enough, is bound to be old, of the last season or, which is the same but not, of centuries ago, which in consumption is equal to an era.

What if we decide not to be?

What if we decide not to run in pursuit of a future made into a gadget, a SUV or a trendy shirt?

It’s then that we realise we’re forced. That was seemed an option is nothing but a way to mask the fact that the objects themselves force us to discard them.

They have a voice of their own and take command.

The operating system is no longer compatible with the software we need to install, the laptop does not have the required input for the new peripheral, the Ikea table didn’t resist the move, the soles of the shoes we bought last spring have come apart.

All of this thoroughly programmed to support a system that in turn supports us. To keep a job, to support the job of those who support ours, to not break a cycle of purchase-disposal-purchase beyond which we panic just to look.

And while we once again prepare to update, we fill up the trash bin with wasted resources. We dispose of the work of others: work designed to be thrown away. Objects with a programmed expiration date, which serve their only function without errors or delays: to make sure we remember to make our next purchase.

Is this the only way to keep the cycle?

How long will resources be able to support a race without (a) finishing line(s)?

Will we wait until then to imagine alternatives?


edit, direc & comple by fernandoprats

art direc & desig by Estudi Prats

virtual soport by Rivera Valdez

biotrans by Alicia Pallas

music by Albert Jordà / Nevus project

video by Raquel Barrera Sutorra

tapcover & back: ‘Recycled memories’ & ‘Keep in touch’ images by brancolina

almostopen (now also on the ipad) by dou_ble_you

…from: Roman Aixendri, Vivi Cecilia Atencio Arrojas, Brancolina, Hernán Dardes, Wilma Eras, Oriol Espinal, Rosa Delia Guerrero, Thomas Hagström, H.O., Kozology, Françoise Lucas, Graciela Oses, Paula Palombo, Alicia Pallas, Leonie Polah, fernandoprats, Miguel Ruibal, Jef Safi, Susan Wolff and dou_ble_you

from… a coruña amsterdam antwerp barcelona buenos aires campredó grenoble hispalis irapuato london mar del plata nijmegen struer tarragona terrassa toronto

official WEBsite I Flickr group I FaceBook I Twitter I Vimeo I MySpace I


y sin embargo exhibition in ****contrasted gallery

Click on image to watch a slide show of the online exhibition curated by fernandoprats for ****contrasted gallery. The selection is made of images published in the arts/culture magazine Y SIN EMBARGO and it features artworks from Rosa Delia Guerrero, Leonie Polah, Ezook, Alain Vaisierre, Oriol Espinal, dou_ble_you, Jurek Durczak, fernandoprats, Azurebumble, Kozology, Françoise Lucas, Wilma Eras, Manuel Diumenjó, Jef Safi, Alicia Pallas, Brancolina, Augusto Rosa, Bill Horne, Thomas Hagström, Jacob Schere, Lawrence Roberts, Natalia Osiatynska, Susan Wolff, htakat, Sabine Portela, Mensaka, galaad, Jose Javier Gonzalez, Lucky Clov, Doris Stritcher , Gabriel Magri, Olivier Gilet, Yves Moreaux, Teng Tan, Ron Herrema, Mara Carrion, R Galan, Yanomano, Nacho Piédrola, Inga Melnikova, Barbara Stumm, dba lehane, Patricia Gil, Lisa Kehoe, Alba Escayo, Zep Wernbacher, Simon Fröehlich, Zep Wernbacher, Francisco Neto, Thomas Zicola, Victor Obrist, JPCandelier, Nigel Christian, Ionah, Mark Valentine, Enric Leor, Sam Javanrouh and Boris.

various artists :: EIN MAGAZIN ÜBER ORTE NO. 8


The eighth edition of EIN MAGAZIN ÜBER ORTE No.8 is published, the theme is Paradise.

“The paradise does not exist. This is clear. That is a shame of course, the idea that a fulfilled, carefree existence would await us is too beautiful. But there is also one good thing about it. Because that way the paradise has become a projection surface for everything that is bigger, fairer, more transcendent and more livable than reality. Utopias concerning the paradise are allowed and also earthly moments, which appear heavenly, exist occasionally.

To follow others, when they ponder about the ephemeral term in texts and images, is very inspiring. All the more when in the latest Ein Magazin über Orte clichés are skipped and very different approaches are spread in a flowing current of thoughts and feelings. Dreams, wishes, hopes from the wide-ranging perspectives of many known and some less known artists and authors. What pleases me most is that the long deceased Kevin Coyne gets a chance to speak through his poem Skinhead in Heaven:

›Nobody is objecting my presence.
I don´t have to knock anybody about.‹

A state that is unattainable on earth for the time being.” (edit from

EIN MAGAZIN ÜBER ORTE No. 8, springtime 2011
210 X 270 mm / 84 pages with photos and illustrations
Featuring: Ryan Mcginley, Jeff Wall, Raymond Pettibon, Miranda July, Marcus Oakley, John Copeland, Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Luc Tuymans, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Michael Borremans, Zoe Leonard, Bushra Rehman, Ibrahim Samuel, Lidwien van der Ven, Günter Kunert, Jana Gontscharuk, Kevin Coyne, Agi Mishol


azurebumble :: fragmental : book

Fragmental is a new book from Azurebumble (Alan Wilson), it consists of six series of digital artworks, each having evolved from small sections ‘sampled’ (cut) from photographs.

“A process where these basic elements have been combined and recombined numerous times to produce an extensive vocabulary of shapes and forms. With no preconceived ideas, I begin to play and improvise with these pieces allowing my imagination to create compositions, perhaps based on a simple pattern, an interesting association or architectural element, or maybe they’ll suggest some surreal narrative. These constructions can then form the basis for a continuation of this process, whereby selecting the most interesting aspects of these new images and placing them into the original pool, can create possibilities for fresh combinations and different ideas. This continual process of deconstruction and reconstruction also makes it possible to trace the evolution of specific elements throughout a number of incarnations and series. Despite the multiple choices this technique allows, I think it’s also important to introduce source material from outside the pool. Lately, using a similar process, I have been ‘remixing’ works by another photographer (Fernando Prats) and ‘refurbishing’ and ‘reimagining’ an old photograph by Andreas Feininger. In time, certain aspects of these series could possibly be integrated with earlier works to produce new and interesting hybrids.” Azurebumble



Y Sin Embergo magazine #26 :: uroborus issue

YSE#26: uroborus issue


Human ability for adaptation as cause and consequence. Do we change our environment to give solutions or do we change just because we’re able to adapt? Technology as an instrument for self-saturation. How much are we able to absorb? Seduction of a world that, through its advantages, drags us towards its logic? The “saturation”, defined as a situation in which solutions have turned into problems, the probable is less and less realized, and the improbable happens more and more.

# # #

Featured works from: Albert Jordà/Nevus project, Raquel Barrera Sutorra, Roman Aixendri, Brancolina, Jurek Durczak, Wilma Eras, Oriol Espinal, Thomas Hagström, Françoise Lucas, Graciela Oses, Alicia Pallas, Gabriela Piccini, Fernando Prats, Beatriz G. Ramírez, Miguel Ruibal, Jef Safi, Nirvana SQ and dou_ble_you

editing, directing & complements: fernando prats
art-directing & design: estudi prats
assistance: rivera valdez
translation: alicia pallas

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