Category Archives: my photography :: contemporary dance

‘The object of a movement’ performance at the opening of Elena Bajo’s exibition in D+T PROJECT gallery in Brussels


photos: ©brancolina

Two scenes from The Object of A Movement, that was performed on 18 November 2010 by dancers Boglárka Börcsök, Marta Kosieradka and Paola Zampierolo for the opening of Elena Bajo’s exhibition in D+T PROJECT gallery in Brussels.

In the first part of the performance a political text is given to the 3 dancers. They are told to respond to the text by choosing 3 fragments that contain ideas that are interesting for them in the development of their individual movements and choreographies. Three individual music pieces and choreographies are created by using a special software which translates each individual text into musical notes. Each dancer dances to her own chosen text. They performed ‘solo’ movements and combined ‘looped’ movements. The second part of the performance is ‘blind’ and improvised, it consists in sharing a common space to interact with each other’s individual movements to build up a new movement, a new collective choreography.

Siet Raeymaekers :: ‘Meet Madam May’ at Naked state gallery


Selection of photos from Siet Raeymaekers’ contemporary dance performance Meet Madam May, that was organized by Jodie Hruby at Naked state gallery in Brussels on 30th October 2010.
Siet Raeymaekers
photography ©brancolina

metamorphoses art performance at naked state gallery

Selected images from Metamorphoses, that was performed at Naked state gallery in Brussels on 22nd October 2010. Animated by Siet Raeymaekers and Alma Palacios from P.A.R.T.S. with music by Benjamin Chaval and transformation objects by Ada Rajszys.

photography: ©brancolina

Fernando Hernando Magadan and Harmen Straatman :: Naked ape

Four scenes from the Naked ape dance performance, a collaboration between choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan of NDT ( Netherlands Dance Institute) and multimedia sound designer Harmen Sraatman. This performance was performed ar TODAYSART 09 festival in den Hague (Holland).

In a time when new technologies are changing the way we communicate, the way we express ourselves and how we relate to the world, how much space is still left for a pure social physical experience and the relation with our natural environment? Using dance and technology as a medium, this choreographic work explores the relation between the human physical expression and the artificial environment that we have created around us.

naked ape 1
naked ape 2
naked ape 6
photography ©brancolina

This is link to one of Fernando Hernando Magadan’s previous performances that he did in collaboration with the Nederlands Dans Theater.