various artists :: EIN MAGAZIN ÜBER ORTE NO. 8


The eighth edition of EIN MAGAZIN ÜBER ORTE No.8 is published, the theme is Paradise.

“The paradise does not exist. This is clear. That is a shame of course, the idea that a fulfilled, carefree existence would await us is too beautiful. But there is also one good thing about it. Because that way the paradise has become a projection surface for everything that is bigger, fairer, more transcendent and more livable than reality. Utopias concerning the paradise are allowed and also earthly moments, which appear heavenly, exist occasionally.

To follow others, when they ponder about the ephemeral term in texts and images, is very inspiring. All the more when in the latest Ein Magazin über Orte clichés are skipped and very different approaches are spread in a flowing current of thoughts and feelings. Dreams, wishes, hopes from the wide-ranging perspectives of many known and some less known artists and authors. What pleases me most is that the long deceased Kevin Coyne gets a chance to speak through his poem Skinhead in Heaven:

›Nobody is objecting my presence.
I don´t have to knock anybody about.‹

A state that is unattainable on earth for the time being.” (edit from

EIN MAGAZIN ÜBER ORTE No. 8, springtime 2011
210 X 270 mm / 84 pages with photos and illustrations
Featuring: Ryan Mcginley, Jeff Wall, Raymond Pettibon, Miranda July, Marcus Oakley, John Copeland, Peter Fischli, David Weiss, Luc Tuymans, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Michael Borremans, Zoe Leonard, Bushra Rehman, Ibrahim Samuel, Lidwien van der Ven, Günter Kunert, Jana Gontscharuk, Kevin Coyne, Agi Mishol