pe lang :: moving objects nº 804


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Motor, cords, various mechanical parts
Size: 74 x 100 cm
Year: 2013
View: Studio Berlin
“Pe Lang’s kinetic objects obey a stringent constructive optimization in which each element can be decoded with respect to its functionality. Nothing about them seems ornamental or arbitrary. Their syntax is dominated by precision and control as the framework for sophisticated aleatorics, in which order and chaos are placed in fragile balance. This happens within an intensely aestheticized context wherein each detail has a formal significance.

Pe Lang came to kinetic art through experimental music and sound art. For the artist, born 1974 in Switzerland, it is a development that seems completely natural, in the sense that each sound is caused by movements of air molecules. Mechanical movements are, from his perspective, nothing more than greatly slowed wave frequencies. This fundamentally musically inspired attitude can be observed in Pe Lang’s kinetic systems: with bewitching elegance, they harness physical forces and put them on stage. These are constructions that are as soulful as they are ingenious, and which challenge seeing, hearing and thinking equally.” Marc Wellmann

“Controlled and precise, Lang’s elegant machines act as mesmerising revelations about the relation between moving bodies and the forces acting upon them. Working with seemingly mundane hardware such as magnets, steel spheres, motors or metal sheet, Lang orchestrates spare parts into mysterious vignettes that both intrigue and challenge our expectations of how objects will behave. From multiple rotating coils of chain, to chimeric viscous liquids – or entire walls of o-rings that appear to dance along strings – the behaviours of his machine are at once repetitive and full of character.” Rebecca Roke

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