Category Archives: art events and galleries

waxy pith presents Precarious Interchange

Precarious Interchange is the art event organized by WAXY PITH, it presents new works by Stian Ådlandsvik (NO), Sébastien Chou (FR), Juan Fontanive (US), Sophie Giraux (FR), Antonia Low (DE) and Olve Sande (NO).

Variously apparent are aspects of fragility, ruin, illusionism, displacement, accumulation, interference, distortion, transference, mimesis, formation, excavation, and inversion. A selection of these characteristics, intrinsic to each or to one another, dart across the room – some remaining schtum while others softly flap and hum. With modesty, not brashness, each emanates its story, offering to reveal the details to all who venture close. Indeed, imbued in every one of these artworks, upon its inception and throughout the process of becoming, is a certain precariousness that has thus become essential to its finished state.

STIAN ÅDLANDSVIK is an artist with an archaeological bent. Drawings, photographs and sculptures variously materialise from historical and contemporary events and objects that he has evaluated and recontextualised. Reflections of the past intertwine with ideals and visions of the future. His works are often reorganised hybrids, in which the constituent parts derive from precise origins and connections he has explored and dissected, discernable through the unveiling of a certain logic or thought process.

• As a photographer, SEBASTIEN CHOU is inclined to take a background position. A work begins with a seed of inspiration, often brought by collaboration with a musician or writer. On hearing a song or reading a passage, he begins to conceive of imagery that will align with it in an absolute way. Having so homologised, the singular work is permeated with the essence of the source and has thereby inherited its innermost traits, rendering this very entity independently potent.

• Often recycling the mechanical components of found bicycles, clocks and thelike to formulate his kinetic artworks, JUAN FONTANIVE’s interest lies in the splendour of sequential and repetitive movement. By hand-crafting the constituent parts, including the drawing or painting of characters in some cases, he creates work that overtly assumes a life of its own, a composition of movement accompanied by the inherent sound of the mechanism, delivering multidimensional sensory output saturated in poesy.

SOPHIE GIRAUX is a moulder of poetry. Whether realised through video projectin, sculpture or installation, each of her works is the pure manifestation of its poetic content. Sometimes at the core is a true story steeped in emotion or nostalgia, others times it is a current contemplation; always, the meaningfulness contained in its expression is ripe, and its physicality, while sound, possesses the patent quality of sheer ephemerality.

• Context means everything to ANTONIA LOW. She is drawn to accretions, elements that have attached themselves to surfaces within spaces, usually due solely to human habitation. These remnants of activity form the raw material from which her work springs forth, each time uniquely configured in response to the particularity of factors present. In detaching and reinterpreting these standard elements, the hitherto benign fixtures and their formerly hidden underbellies become the most characterful items in the room.

• Possessed of a balance of architectural, historical and literary substance, OLVE SANDE’s works are striking for the peculiar resonance they evoke. Using the materials of ordinary building construction, he interferes with surface structure or rearranges parts, assigning to them an entirely new purpose, generating a form impregnated with autonomously applied reference. Thus charged with meaning his works are at once recognisable and unconventionally contrived.

Downtown Brussels – Ste-Catherine | rue d’Ophem 55 | rue de Barchon 11 | Quai au Bois de Construction
28 October – 13 November 2011, 19 – 22h

y sin embargo exhibition in ****contrasted gallery

Click on image to watch a slide show of the online exhibition curated by fernandoprats for ****contrasted gallery. The selection is made of images published in the arts/culture magazine Y SIN EMBARGO and it features artworks from Rosa Delia Guerrero, Leonie Polah, Ezook, Alain Vaisierre, Oriol Espinal, dou_ble_you, Jurek Durczak, fernandoprats, Azurebumble, Kozology, Françoise Lucas, Wilma Eras, Manuel Diumenjó, Jef Safi, Alicia Pallas, Brancolina, Augusto Rosa, Bill Horne, Thomas Hagström, Jacob Schere, Lawrence Roberts, Natalia Osiatynska, Susan Wolff, htakat, Sabine Portela, Mensaka, galaad, Jose Javier Gonzalez, Lucky Clov, Doris Stritcher , Gabriel Magri, Olivier Gilet, Yves Moreaux, Teng Tan, Ron Herrema, Mara Carrion, R Galan, Yanomano, Nacho Piédrola, Inga Melnikova, Barbara Stumm, dba lehane, Patricia Gil, Lisa Kehoe, Alba Escayo, Zep Wernbacher, Simon Fröehlich, Zep Wernbacher, Francisco Neto, Thomas Zicola, Victor Obrist, JPCandelier, Nigel Christian, Ionah, Mark Valentine, Enric Leor, Sam Javanrouh and Boris.

waxy pith :: an evening of tenderness and amusement

WAXY PITH is organizing in Brussels An evening of tenderness and amusement featuring works by 4 artists:

SPOKEN WORD: the author will read from his recently published book Revenge Fantasies of the Politically Dispossessed (Pedlar press)

Set in a dystopian near-future, Revenge Fantasies of the Politically Dispossessed is a novel – a kind of post-capitalist soap opera – about a group of people who regularly attend ‘the meetings’. At the meetings they have agreed to talk, and only talk, about how to re-ignite the left, for fear if they were to do more, if they were to actually engage in real acts of resistance or activism, they would be arrested, imprisoned or worse. Revenge Fantasies is a book about community. It is also a book about fear.

Review by Chris Kraus: “Jacob Wren’s work has always explored the dissonance between psychodynamics – which reveals the ambiguities and possibilities of human behavior – and the deadening psychic economy of capital. In Revenge Fantasies, he demonstrates how deeply literary these concerns are. Whether depicting the intricate mood-shifts of a triangulated romance, or chronicling the inchoate optimism of marathon group meetings designed to identify ‘what went wrong’ with the left, or recasting the recent political past as dystopian sci-fi, the novel is fascinating, lurid and highly accomplished, evoking the best of Colette, Robert Musil and Julio Cortazar.”

Review by Chicago Centre for Literature and Photography



SHORT FILM: Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde, 18’0″

A man relieves himself from his night time job as a warehouseman by pursuing his greatest passion: hunting. But sometimes nature is tough and unpredictable. Die Vögelein Schweigen im Walde (The Birds in the Forest remain Silent) is a film about loneliness, the craving for dominance and the search for a meaningful interpretation of existence.



PERFORMANCE: An Act in Two Parts

Excerpt from text about the artist, by Hans Theys: It is as if the real Kurt Ryslavy is hiding behind all these layers, like the theatre director of the old days who invested in his own productions and followed the events on stage and in the auditorium from behind the ingeniously sliding coulisses. It is also possible that there is no director at all … You can try to look at Ryslavy’s work and enjoy the way humour and seriousness overlap in a game with the representative effect of objects and images.



MUSIC: Spookhuisje

RifRaf magazine: “SPOOKHUISJE is the nom de plume of Brussels musician Raphael Absolonne. His intriguing instrumental music is a meditative melting pot of psychedelic drones, Indian raga (not to be confused with ragga) and experimental guitar playing that are one step beyond the sahara-tunes of Tamikrest.”



Individual presentations will occur consecutively over the course of the evening.
Event address: 22 Place Van Hoegaerde 1081 Brussels
Time: 01 March 2011, 19.30 – 22h

waxy pith :: new platform for the contemporary arts

WAXY PITH is a seriously new platform for the contemporary arts, functioning in Brussels, Oslo, and further afield. WAXY PITH nurtures genuine artistic practice in which the essence of the work is palpable. Possessing a decidedly itinerant format within a dynamic organic structure, WAXY PITH presents striking works in varying contexts.

Works presented by WAXY PITH are imbued with extraordinary depth, created by artists possessing a rigorous sense of individuality and integrity; the works are expansive, innately poetic, resonant. All creative genres are embraced; presented are important, unfamiliar or undiscovered works of an exceptional standard, their inherent meaningfulness is derived from the nature and quality of the work itself. WAXY PITH deems that the intrinsic content of a work of art defines its true value.

The presenting and selective interweaving of visual art, performance, spoken word, music, dance, film, literature, and other forms of merited creative expression, introduce into the programme a rich repertoire of material, while the formation of selective collaborations brings further dimensionality. By way of a finely tuned curatorial process, cross-links are continually forged, ever widening the range of artists, galleries, and private individuals with whom WAXY PITH works.

Who it is

Jodie Hruby is the creative force at WAXY PITH. As an architect, artist, curator, writer, critic, poet, and catalyst, Jodie treats the WAXY PITH platform as an extension of her own artistic practice, curating a complex programme of activity, selecting and working closely with the artists. Prior to founding WAXY PITH, Jodie created and developed Naked State, a platform housed in a downtown Brussels gallery space. There she directed and curated a varied programme that included exhibitions, collaborations, performances, dance, music and film.

Olve Sande is a collaborative partner at WAXY PITH. A visual artist based in Oslo, he is also the facilitator for WAXY PITH presentations in Norway.

Deborah Coûteaux is the top assistant at WAXY PITH. She performs a plethora of functions essential to the successful operation of the platform.

Members are our precious loves, sincerely and enthusiastically supporting and contributing to the programme in multifarious ways.


+32 478 298 483