jessica eaton :: cubes for albers and lewitt series

cfaal 115
archival pigment print

cfaal 113
archival pigment print

cfaal 69
archival pigment print

cfaal 119
archival pigment print

cfaal 109
archival pigment print

‘The series Cubes for Albers and LeWitt explores the possibilities of manipulating time, space, perception and, in particular, the additive system of color. The images are constructed on sheets of 4×5 film. The subject is in reality monochromatic. The photographs use a set of cubes and ground options painted white, two tones of grey, and black. Through multiple exposures the color hues in each image have been made by exposing the film to the additive primaries of red, green and blue. The reflective value of the cubes controls the value or lightness of that hue, and the black is utilized as a type of the reflective mask, holding the potential on the film for other exposure. The images are completely photographic yet not visible to the naked eye.’ Jessica Eaton

Jessica Eaton’s work is represented by Clint Roenisch gallery from Toronto, Canada.