‘The object of a movement’ performance at the opening of Elena Bajo’s exibition in D+T PROJECT gallery in Brussels


photos: ©brancolina

Two scenes from The Object of A Movement, that was performed on 18 November 2010 by dancers Boglárka Börcsök, Marta Kosieradka and Paola Zampierolo for the opening of Elena Bajo’s exhibition in D+T PROJECT gallery in Brussels.

In the first part of the performance a political text is given to the 3 dancers. They are told to respond to the text by choosing 3 fragments that contain ideas that are interesting for them in the development of their individual movements and choreographies. Three individual music pieces and choreographies are created by using a special software which translates each individual text into musical notes. Each dancer dances to her own chosen text. They performed ‘solo’ movements and combined ‘looped’ movements. The second part of the performance is ‘blind’ and improvised, it consists in sharing a common space to interact with each other’s individual movements to build up a new movement, a new collective choreography.
